These monthly term life insurance premium rates are presented here to show the range of what someone can pay for similar or identical life insurance protection. These premiums are not necessarily the absolute lowest or highest one can find. In some cases, I did not consider even lower premiums, because those policies are non-renewable. In other cases, I disregarded even higher premiums, because those policies offered something more (say, automatic increase of premium) that others do not. Therefore, the premiums shown here refer to identical or very similar policies. All these premiums are from May 1998. The various low and high rates represent a number of insurance companies.
Female, nonsmokers - age 25, 35, 45, 55
Male, smokers - age 25, 35, 45, 55
Female, smokers - age 25, 35, 45, 55
Male Nonsmoker
25 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 11.79 21.44 31.95 78.85 57.15 149.95
20 year term 13.50 24.21 40.50 103.05 74.25 201.60
permanent(T100) 26.10 34.92 108.45 143.55 189.90 284.85
Male Nonsmoker
35 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 12.15 22.74 33.75 76.05 60.75 147.60
20 year term 14.67 30.42 46.35 134.10 85.95 263.70
permanent(T100) 38.42 51.12 170.55 228.15 314.10 454.05
Male Nonsmoker
45 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 18.00 34.02 63.00 132.53 120.60 256.02
20 year term 23.94 64.62 92.70 305.10 178.65 605.70
permanent(T100) 72.50 95.58 320.40 456.30 634.96 907.20
Male Nonsmoker
55 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 33.84 60.94 139.50 305.10 270.00 624.63
20 year term 47.07 157.59 208.35 769.95 409.95 1535.40
permanent(T100) 140.94 176.22 681.34 859.50 1356.84 1713.60
25 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 9.54 22.11 26.55 66.88 48.60 124.67
20 year term 12.42 21.85 40.00 85.50 69.75 166.50
permanent(T100) 22.14 28.50 83.31 108.45 147.60 214.65
Female Nonsmoker
35 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 10.44 22.30 28.80 70.38 50.85 126.55
20 year term 13.50 27.45 40.50 119.25 74.25 234.00
permanent(T100) 31.77 44.07 135.96 180.45 230.40 358.65
Female Nonsmoker
45 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 14.67 35.24 49.95 132.53 93.60 256.02
20 year term 19.35 60.42 69.75 239.40 132.75 429.30
permanent(T100) 56.88 74.97 257.50 349.65 487.80 694.80
Female Nonsmoker
55 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 24.30 78.47 94.50 316.83 182.25 624.63
20 year term 33.75 126.99 141.75 616.95 276.75 949.50
permanent(T100) 105.85 138.15 496.35 630.00 957.50 1255.50
25 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 15.84 27.48 57.03 99.55 110.40 191.35
20 year term 20.00 35.46 75.00 150.30 145.00 293.85
permanent(T100) 38.07 49.32 158.46 211.95 304.20 418.50
Male Smoker
35 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 20.16 32.12 73.80 117.45 140.40 228.15
20 year term 30.24 49.32 124.20 228.60 241.65 452.70
permanent(T100) 62.01 80.19 268.34 379.35 530.84 753.30
Male Smoker
45 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 39.15 58.14 168.75 253.35 330.75 499.95
20 year term 63.99 107.54 292.95 487.80 579.15 971.10
permanent(T100) 115.50 146.16 518.59 709.20 1031.34 1413.00
Male Smoker
55 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 79.56 135.00 370.80 631.35 734.85 1255.95
20 year term 134.28 221.76 644.40 1090.80 1282.05 2177.10
permanent(T100) 216.00 261.45 1047.50 1280.70 1981.80 2559.15
To Untitled95p
25 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 12.33 24.39 35.15 92.82 66.60 176.54
20 year term 15.00 31.14 50.00 130.95 95.00 257.40
permanent(T100) 27.72 36.63 108.45 151.65 198.90 301.05
Female Smoker
35 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 16.02 27.48 58.34 95.95 112.50 184.15
20 year term 24.00 47.69 95.00 183.60 182.70 362.70
permanent(T100) 46.80 59.49 204.03 275.85 377.50 546.30
Female Smoker
45 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 29.97 56.43 126.00 229.43 247.50 449.83
20 year term 46.89 107.54 204.75 396.90 396.00 776.63
permanent(T100) 79.69 109.62 367.21 526.50 728.59 1047.60
Female Smoker
55 years old $100,000 coverage $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage
Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate Low Rate High Rate
10 year term 54.18 126.45 243.90 544.82 481.05 1080.63
20 year term 86.67 181.89 406.35 891.45 805.95 1742.40
permanent(T100) 140.50 185.58 662.50 906.75 1317.50 1811.25
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